Many natural feeds and supplements contain minerals, vitamins and ingredients that are more bioavailable to the horse than many processed synthetic feeds.
I believe that the use of natural health philosophies, such as feeding natural feedstuffs and herbs, in the long term can help our horses resist disease and in addition provide nutritional and immunological support that pharmaceuticals lack. The goal is prevention as well as cure!
A common favorite supplement is Rosehips
An awesome powerhouse that contains Vitamin C (it is the highest natural source of up to 2,000 mg per 100 gram), Vitamins: A, D, E (total vitamins 14), Biotin, Minerals: iron, copper, cobalt, calcium, silica (total minerals 18), carotene, flavonoids, pectin, tannin, fruit acids.
This beauty is a powerful anti-oxidant, with considerable protective and restorative powers due to its vitamins and minerals.
Its properties make it useful as:
• Capillary stimulant,
• immune protectant,
• blood flow and tissue damage restorative,
• growth stimulant,
It is great for growth of hooves after laminitis attacks, used for horses with arthritis, or after respiratory infections. Also for rehabilitation after injury and disease, where high doses of vitamin C may be required.