Learn how a DL Equine

Nutrition Programme Works  

On Farm or Virtual Distance Consults

Your horse Will benefit from a Personalised Nutrition Programme!

Performance & competition

Equine athletes require proper muscle development, endurance and the correct dietary fuel to perform optimally.

I will work with you to create a program for your horse that ensures the optimum energy level, ideal body condition and delivers all dietary requirements necessary to optimize performance in your discipline.

Metabolic or health issues are present that require dietary managment

EMS, PPID, RER, PSSM, insulin dysregulation, colic, laminitis, allergies, diarrhoea,  developmental orthopaedic disease, etc.

Balanced nutrition is critical in these cases and I can help your horse develop a plan that allows your horse to thrive and overcome health issues. I can also work directly with your vet if necessary to develop the best plan for your horse.

Weight gain or loss issues

My programmes provide a daily caloric target specific to your horse’s unique metabolism, environment, and goal for a healthy body condition. This process requires a slow careful approach to feeding and requires several months of monitoring. There is a healthy way to gain or lose weight and I’m here to help.

significant lifestage change - growing foals, breeding, lactating, seniors 

Young growing horses need a safe and steady growth curve to reach their genetic potential. The nutrition of a breeding mare is crucial for the development and performance potential of their foals, both whilst gestating and lactating as the foal grows.
Senior horses have unique needs based on dental, joint, gut and muscle changes as they age.

The nutrient demands of these different stages in life are different from that of a mature horse. I can develop a correctly balanced programme, especially for your horse.

new horse or new grazing

When a horse moves to a new owner/ rider and to a different grazing pasture the microbial environment of its gut will be affected. Specifically, your horse’s pasture species, forage, feed, companions, and environment will all be different – these changes easily contribute to gastric upset in the horse.

A careful diet transition plan to maintain a healthy gut environment and body condition and minimize gastric discomfort is the absolute best strategy for your new horse.

life happens

Competition, endurance or summer riding season is picking up and you will be on the road a lot. You are unhappy with your horse’s current condition or energy level.
Changes in hay or chaff availability mean you need to consider feed alternatives.
Your horse has been away and is now back home.  Rehabbing from an injury and is on stall rest. I can formulate a unique equine nutrition programme for your horse’s individual requirements!

Nutrition Programmes based on your Unique Situation

All Programmes begin with a Comprehensive Consultation Questionnaire & Photographs covering...
  • Current diet
  • Supplementation
  • Body condition
  • Pasture species
  • Feed conversion ability
  • Energy levels
  • Drinking water type
  • Manure texture
  • Acitivity Levels
  • Hoof condition
  • Age
  • Dental status
  • Grazing Growth Rates
  • Weight
  • Health Issues
  • Medication

These nutrition services are for you if;

  1. 1
    You are seeking to collaborate with a professional with qualifications in equine nutrition and respect advice given.
  2. 2
    You understand that whilst nutrition is a critical peice of the multi faceated puzzle of horse health, however nothing is a magic 'cure-all' fix.  There are many mangement and handling practices that go hand in hand to achieve a happy & healthy horse.
  3. 3
    You have clear respectful communication: giving me all the infomation about your horse is crucial to enable me to provide you with the best service and as much knowledge as I can to help your horse gain optimum health.

Choosing the Right Nutrition Programme for your Horse

On Farm & Virtual Distance Consults Available

To choose the best programme for your horse, please select your primary focus?

Training, travelling and competing

Then the 3 optimised diets in the 'Nutrition on the Move' Programme will best support your horses needs.

Increased work, competition and travel all attribute to stress on a horse’s gut and body. This stress results in loose stools, weight loss, decreased energy and recovery time and increased risk of colic. Outcome = decreased performance.

For your horse to perform at its optimum the gut microbiota needs to be kept happy, healthy and in variety.

To feed your horse from the inside out is to enable your horse to achieve its ultimate health, even in circumstances such as being away from the normal pasture and environment of home.

Managing a health issue such as metabolic conditions (insulin resistance, PSSM, PPID, cushings, laminitis), & resolving digestive conditions (gut ulcers, colic), typing up, respiratory allergies, hormonal conditions

Then the 'Vital Nutrition' Programme is the best option to target the specific needs of your horse in dealing with a health challenge. The extensive consultation progress includes details analysis of current diet, weight, forage, water analysis and so much more.

The recommendations in the over 20 page report will guide what feeds and supplements to buy and how to best utilise grazing and other forage. The detailed breakdown of mineral, vitamin and amino acid requirements will take the guesswork out of choosing the best products for your horses optimal well-being. 

Year round health to preempt seasonal and exercise intensity changes which effect condition and behaviour

The 'Optimum 4 Seasons' Programme will ensure you have year round peace of mind by adjusting your nutrition to meet the changing needs of your horse. This programme includes 4 diet reviews to keep your feeding responsive to seasonal changes in grass, workload, temperature, health status, etc

With monthly check-ins you will be fully supported in optimising well-being for your horse. 

Nutrition Programme Comparison



vital HEALTH

Personalised Diet for

Optimised Health

  • Specific, optimised and balanced Nutrition Programme that will put your horse on the right track for ultimate health in the season of your choice


4 seasons Year Programme

One Full Year of Nutrition Programmes Optimised for Monthly Seasons Changes & Major Transitions

  • Specific, optimised and balanced Nutrition Programme that will put your horse on the right track to ultimate health for each of month, season or exercise change during the year!
  • One year of Comprehensive Diet Consultations and Monthly reviews required as season, life transition, activity level and pasture changes
  • Fast, efficient feeding alterations to enable you to counter and overcome unexpected health issues
  • Email and phone assistance
  • Monthly tracking of body condition & weight



Train, Travel & Compete Programme

Individual diets optimised for each stage; training at home, travelling away & competing

  • Personalised and detailed Nutrition Programme for Travelling to events to enable your horse to arrive at destination in great health.
  • Nutrition Programme for Away from home at competitions or events, so that your horse competes in top condition, maintains stamina and prevents health issues such as not eating, dehydration and colic.
  • Nutrition Programme for Training at Home for ultimate health and performance.



vital HEALTH

Personalised Diet for

Optimised Health

  • Specific, optimised and balanced Nutrition Programme that can fast track your horse to ultimate health in the season of your choice



4 seasons

4 Diets Optimised for Seasons Changes & Major Transitions

  • Specific, optimised and balanced Nutrition Programme that can fast track your horse to ultimate health for each of the 4 seasons
  • 4 Comprehensive Diet Consultations and Reviews required as temperature, life transition, activity level and pasture changes
  • Fast, efficient feeding alterations to enable you to counter and overcome unexpected health issues
  • Email and phone assistance
  • Monthly tracking of body condition & weight



on the move

3 Diets Optimised to

Train, Travel & Perform

  • Personalised and detailed Nutrition Programme for Travelling to Competitions
  • Personalised and detailed Nutrition Programme for Away from home competitions
  • Personalised and detailed Nutrition Programme for Training at Home



vital HEALTH

Personalised Diet for

Optimised Health

  • Specific, optimised and balanced Nutrition Programme that can fast track your horse to ultimate health in the season of your choice



4 seasons

4 Diets Optimised for Seasons Changes & Major Transitions

  • Specific, optimised and balanced Nutrition Programme that can fast track your horse to ultimate health for each of the 4 seasons
  • 4 Comprehensive Diet Consultations and Reviews required as temperature, life transition, activity level and pasture changes
  • Fast, efficient feeding alterations to enable you to counter and overcome unexpected health issues
  • Email and phone assistance
  • Monthly tracking of body condition & weight



on the move

3 Diets Optimised to

Train, Travel & Perform

  • Personalised and detailed Nutrition Programme for Travelling to Competitions
  • Personalised and detailed Nutrition Programme for Away from home competitions
  • Personalised and detailed Nutrition Programme for Training at Home



vital HEALTH

Personalised Diet for

Optimised Health

  • Specific, optimised and balanced Nutrition Programme that can fast track your horse to ultimate health in the season of your choice



4 seasons

4 Diets Optimised for Seasons Changes & Major Transitions

  • Specific, optimised and balanced Nutrition Programme that can fast track your horse to ultimate health for each of the 4 seasons
  • 4 Comprehensive Diet Consultations and Reviews required as temperature, life transition, activity level and pasture changes
  • Fast, efficient feeding alterations to enable you to counter and overcome unexpected health issues
  • Email and phone assistance
  • Monthly tracking of body condition & weight



on the move

3 Diets Optimised to

Train, Travel & Perform

  • Personalised and detailed Nutrition Programme for Travelling to Competitions
  • Personalised and detailed Nutrition Programme for Away from home competitions
  • Personalised and detailed Nutrition Programme for Training at Home

Nutrition Essentials On Line Course


This course is for owners who want to;
  • Improve your horses health
  • Stop Wasting your hard earned cash on the wrong feeds
  • Get your horse in fantastic health & maintain it!

You will learn facts and gain clarity & confidence in feeding your horse!

  • You will learn how to feed correctly based off body condition score, weight, pasture & performance goals
  • Practical activities for real 'in the paddock' learning
  • I will be giving you knowledge on how to feed to prevent & overcome issues with bad hooves, pasture changes, gut issues and soo much MORE!
  • Straightforward teachings designed for any level of horse owner
  • Focus on supplements and learn if you are wasting your $ or spending wisely!
  • Theory based on equine research and a focus on applying this to your individual horse
  • Email and ph accessibility with me for assistance.

Videos, Reference Material, Weekly One on Ones

This 4 module self paced video course removes the guesswork & confusion around properly feeding your horse.

Weekly sessions with me to discuss your findings and ask Q.

You will have access to unique videos and nutrition documents for reference.

As a BONUS your enrollment allows you to work directly with me to desing your own feeding programme!

Email me for more information or join up now!

DL Equine Nutrition Essentials Course

By clicking 'Add to Cart' you agree to provide the required information to DL Equine Nutrition within 30days of payment. DL Equine always recommends veterinary advice in cases of emergency care.

Nutrition Programme Options

Optimum 4 Seasons Year Programme

On Farm & Virtual Distance Consults Avialable

Are season changes or exercise intensity changes causing you stress when it comes to knowing what and how much to feed your horse correctly?

Just when your horse was going really well, you were enjoying your riding, the season changed, the grass changed, and your horse’s behaviour changed!
Let me take the "what do I feed now"? question out of each season for you by reviewing & formulating your horse’s diet at each change throughout the year!

I can give you the peace of mind that comes with access to a Nutritionist and Programme formulated specifically for your horse for a full 12 months! This programme will take your horse through monthly diet consultations and reviews required as seasons and pasture change or your horse goes through a life transition such as gestation and foaling.

I firmly believe it takes a team and as your nutritionist I am in this for the long haul, I wont love you and leave you, I’m here to support you as a client!

What you receive:

  • A comprehensive nutrition consultation including a review of your horse’s current diet plan and health status.
  • One initial 40Min phone consultation discussing current feed and reccomended reviews and options.
  • An individual feeding programme formulated for your horse’s current requirement. Includes 20+ page report,  exactly what and how much to feed. Plus extensive nutrition information.
  • An individual feeding programme formulated for your horse on days exercising, and days off resting.
  • Collaboration on a monthly basis with diet reviews for each season and pasture change over a 12-month period.
  • Regular monthly email check-in and support.
  • Monthly report including weight and BCS, + diet review
  • Email and ph accessibility with me for assistance.
  • Continued guidance with the nutrition plan.
  • Purchase may be via paypal, credit card or direct credit.

This programme is the right one for you if:

*You are seeking to collaborate with a professional with qualifications in equine nutrition and respect advice given.

*You understand that whilst nutrition is a critical peice of the multi faceated puzzle of horse health, however nothing is a magic 'cure-all' fix.  There are many mangement and handling practices that go hand in hand to achieve a happy & healthy horse.

*You have clear respectful communication: giving me all the infomation about your horse is crucial to enable me to provide you with the best service and as much knowledge as I can to help your horse gain optimum health.

Please enquire via email to join this programme. 

Pricing depends on whether you are a new or returning client and how many horses you want a nutrition programme for. Click below for details.

By clicking 'Add to Cart' you agree to provide the required horse health information to DL Equine Nutrition within 30days of payment. 

Train, Travel & Compete Programme

On Farm & Virtual Distance Consults Avialable

The nutrition programme that is designed for performance success when training, travelling and competing.

*Are you and your horse competing or trekking this year?

*Are you seeking optimum performance in your horse?

*Do you plan on travelling away from home for competition, trekking or training events?

Then this nutrition programme is designed specifically for your horse’s needs!

Increased work, competition and travel all attribute to stress on a horse’s gut and body. Even 40min in a float or truck can cause disturbance to those precious hind gut microbes causing your horse and you issues! This stress results in loose stools, weight loss, decreased energy and recovery time and increased risk of colic. Outcome = decreased performance.

For your horse to perform at its optimum the gut microbiota needs to be kept happy, healthy and in variety. 

To feed your horse from the inside out is to enable your horse to achieve its ultimate health, even in circumstances such as being away from the normal pasture and environment of home. 

If you put in the hard work of getting your horse fit and ready, dont let the travel and feeding hold your horse back!
A Nutrition Programme for Multi Day Away from home at competitions or events, enables your horse to travel well, arrive and compete in top condition, maintain stamina and prevent health issues such as dehydration and colic.

This programme is for your horse this competition season!

What you receive on this program:

*A comprehensive nutrition consultation including a review of your horse’s current diet plan and health status.

*One 40Min phone consultation discussing current feed, goals, reccomended reviews and options.

*An individually formulated nutrition programme for training and riding at home.

*PLUS an individual feeding plan for Travel AND Away from home competition.

**Includes 20+ page report,  exactly what, how much and when to feed.

**Plus extensive nutrition information on feeding sport horses and health issues.

Talk to DL Equine today for a programme designed to keep your horse competing on the move!

*After purchase, please WAIT as Paypal will direct you BACK to the website for health form download. Once you have completed the information form I will be in contact to discuss your nutrition programme.

Direct Credit available upon request.

Please read terms & conditions of services: As all horses are individuals, there are no guarantees given and DL Equine always recommends veterinary advice in cases of emergency care. Changes in diet formulation can only be done in the first 7 days after the diet has been received by the client. Changes and reviews after this period will be subject to further cost by the client.

Pricing depends on whether you are a new or returning client and how many horses you want a nutrition programme for. Click below for details.

By clicking 'Add to Cart' you agree to provide the required horse health information to DL Equine Nutrition within 30days of payment. 

Vital Nutrition Diet

On Farm & Virtual Distance Consults Avialable

If you are seeking to improve your horses health and wellbeing with advice from an expert then this is a one off Nutrition programme will be designed for your horses unique needs.

Has your horse had an illness that you have had the vet out for multiple times but things still are not right? 

If your horse's energy, ridabilty and well-being is impacted by:

  • metabolic conditions (insulin resistance, PSSM, PPID, cushings, laminitis)
  • digestive conditions (gut ulcers, colic)
  • typing up, respiratory allergies, hormonal conditions

Or you are forward thinking to ensure your horses health for the future!

It’s time to get a completely balanced feeding programme tailor-made specifically for your horse’s needs. Your horse deserves an individually formulated diet that will put him on track to ultimate health and drive your dreams by improving your horse’s performance!

What you receive:

  • A comprehensive nutrition consultation including a review of your horse’s current diet plan and health status.
  • One 40 Min ph consutlation discussing current feed, goals, reccomended reviews and options.
  • An individual feeding programme formulated for your horse’s current requirements.
  • Includes 20+ page report,  exactly what and how much to feed. Plus extensive nutrition information.
  • After purchase, please WAIT as Paypal will direct you BACK to the website for health form download.

    Once you have filled out the information form I will be in contact about your nutrition programme.
  • Direct Credit available upon request.
  • Please read terms & conditions of services: As all horses are individuals, there are no guarantees given and DL Equine always recommends veterinary advice in cases of emergency care. Changes in diet formulation can only be done in the first 7 days after the diet has been received by the client. Changes and reviews after this period will be subject to further cost by the client.

Pricing depends on whether you are a new or returning client and how many horses you want a nutrition programme for. Click below for details.

By clicking 'Add to Cart' you agree to provide the required horse health information to DL Equine Nutrition within 30days of payment. 

On-Farm Consultations

If you are seeking an in person visit with an equine nutitionist we can arrange an on farm consultation.

I will come to your property and assess your current concerns and pasture situation.

I will work with your specific situation and create a feeding programme for your individual horse or entire herd.

What you receive:

  • A comprehensive nutrition consultation including a review of your pasture, feed & horse’s current diet plan and health status.
  • An individual feeding programme formulated for your horse’s or herds current requirements.


milage + onsite conuslt fee $80 + nutrition programme

please enquire :)

  • Please email info@dlequine.co.nz to arrange a meeting.

SuNutrition Essentials On Line Course - 4

How do we work together?

Each programme is carefully personalised for the individual horse, taking into account living and work conditions, pasture, weight and condition score.

I work from information provided by yourself along with photos, videos. From this, I calculate your horse’s requirements of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, protein, energy, and fibre. DL Equine offers the unique service of a diet tailor-made to suit your horse’s needs. This is formulated specifically for your horse as an individual.
While my first priority is formulating a diet best suited to your horse’s needs, my second priority is to aid the owner in the feeding process to include consideration of feeds easily available to you either in your area or online.

I am always willing to work with owner preferences, however if I strongly feel a certain product or type of feed you wish to avoid positively impacts your horse’s health we will discuss its benefits at length.


Choose the Nutrition Programme that is right for you & your horse/herd

DL Equine feeding programmes provide optimum health for your horse via a feed system carefully designed to deliver all the essential nutrients your horse needs. You may be looking for year long guidance, one season or for a specific event such as travelling or competing.


Pay via Paypal or internet banking

When you book you will be able to choose what works best for you.


Return your Comprehensive Consultation Questionnaire and Photos

You will be back directed to the website to download a Nutrition Consultation Form and Pasture Identification Guide to download. You fill out on your horse’s health and history information, and feed and pasture details, so that I can see exactly where your horse is deficient, excessive or out of balance - this enables us to work on particular health issues. You then email this form back with photos.


Receive your 20 page Personalised Nutrition Programme 

We have an initial chat and then I create your Personalised Nutrition Programme outlining everything you need to do to put your horse on the right track to optimum health.


Work together via email & phone or personal visit

We work collaboratively via email and phone or personal visit to enable you to start your horse on the correct feedstuffs, moving towards excellent health. Dale can go shopping with your either in person on virtually via your phone.


Chat monthly with Dale if you choose the 'Optimum 4 Seasons' Programme and receive an updated diet as required with horse and condition changes

You’ll receive a report outlining everything you need to feed and exactly how much, to put your horse on the fast-track to optimum health.

Educational Engagements

As an equine nutritionist and a fellow horse owner for over 30 years, I have vast expereince and qualifications in adult learning and development.
My greatest passions combine into a relatable, dynamic speaker dedicated to empowering horse owners thru workshops and seminars, public and private educational events with the fundamentals of equine nutrition.

  • If you want to stop wasting your hard-earned cash on the wrong feeds -
  • If you want to improve your horse’s health -
  • If you want to understand nutrition and further your knoweldge 

Seminars and presentations can cover:

  • Body Condition Scoring
  • Accurate Weight Measurements & Calculations
  • Feed your horse from the inside out - revitalise your horse by feeding the gut correctly!
  • Forage Facts
  • Equine Health Issues - Nutriitonal solutions & benefits
  • Myth Busting equine feeding
  • Supplement correctly & save $
  • Pasture issues & solutions

Contact me today for an engaging presentation with practical take home tools to feed your horse correctly.

Zoom talks avialble if Im not in your area ;)

Please share this on to your group leader, club organiser or friends!

Nutrition is the science of prevention!

Gift Voucher

Searching for that special gift for your horse friend or family member?

Offer the gift of a Personalised Diet for Optimised Health. 

Individual, optimised and balanced Nutrition Programme that can fast track the recipients horse to ultimate health in the season of their choice.

*After purchase, please WAIT as Paypal will direct you BACK to the website for health form download.


Direct Credit available upon request.

$169  Gift Voucher