Pasture & Hay Nutrition Essentials for Horse Owners
If you feed grass and hay to your horse you NEED to know this information!
Instead of feeding by trial and error, fix it when the vet comes and pay the cost method – learn to avoid this by the
Nutrition Essentials Pasture & Hay Week!
*Via private fb group
**Download and learn at your own pace!
***This course contains literally hundreds $$$ of dollars of information and material at the cost of only $182.95
I have spent years learning all things horse, pasture and hay, let me bring all that information together for you in ONE week of learning in ONE place!
You do NOT need a science degree. There will plain english, easy to understand concepts and in the paddock learning for every horse owner!
I will teach you:How to identify what type of grass your horse is actually eating
Why its important to know & how this helps you graze
How this helps you feed your horse
All things sugary, starchy ,fructany & fibrey = I am the Willy Wonker of Pasture
Is there such a thing as good hay vs bad hay?
Should I buy first cut or late cut hay?
There will be:videos,
print outs &
nutrition critical information
And more information than you can poke a grass leaf at